


Hostel / Accommodation
There is a proper hostel facility on the college campus, in which furniture, food, water, electricity, a geyser, a TV, a water cooler, and mess facilities have been provided. As per the norms of the institution, every student is expected to avail himself of the hostel facility. Hostlers must obey hostel rules and regulations and follow their routine.

Hostel Room Photo
Comfortable rooms with and without attached toilets. Rooms are designed to provide adequate moving space and proper ventilation based on sound engineering principles. 24×7 Wi-Fi facility for uninterrupted internet connectivity

Hostel Mess
There is a proper hostel facility on the college campus, in which furniture, food, water, electricity, a geyser, a TV, a water cooler, and mess facilities have been provided. As per the norms of the institution, every student is expected to avail himself of the hostel facility. Hostlers must obey hostel rules and regulations and follow their routine.